Springdale First School Governance Overview
Hamwic Education Trust
Springdale First School is an academy that is part of the Hillary Partnership within Hamwic Education Trust, a multi-academy trust. For more information about Hamwic Education Trust, including contact details, please see the Hamwic Education Trust page of our school website, Springdale First School - Hamwic Education Trust or visit
The Board of Trustees at Hamwic Education Trust is accountable for governance at Springdale First School but has established a Local Governing Committee [LGC] to which it delegates specific governance functions as outlined in the Scheme of Delegation. For information about governance at Hamwic Education Trust, please use the following link: Governance | Hamwic Education Trust | Multi-academy Trust
Local Governing Committee
At Springdale First School. Our Local Governing Committee is made up of 9 governor roles in total, including the Headteacher:
Two Parent Governors:
Mrs C Hurley, Vacancy
One Staff Governor:
Mrs A-M Lawrence
Five Co-opted Governors:
Mrs H Heydon, Miss L Hocking, Mrs M Lewis, Mrs H Lee, Mrs J Ward
Chair of Governors: Miss Lucy Hocking, Springdale First School, Springdale Road, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 9BW
Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs M Lewis
The Governors are a vital part of the school partnership, working together for the benefit of the children and the effective running of the school. We work closely with teachers, non-teaching staff and parents to provide the best possible education for the children of Springdale.
OFSTED (2024) recognised the outstanding contribution that our dedicated and hard-working governors make to the school. Governors are often in school and participate in school life.
The Trust Board has established Local Governing Committees (LGCs) within the Trust which have specific delegated governance functions as outlined in the Trust Scheme of Delegation. The type of delegated functions include;
• pupil and staff wellbeing
• stakeholder engagement
• attendance
• whether the curriculum is meeting the needs of the pupils
In order to meet these criteria, used by Ofsted to judge the effectiveness of governance at Springdale, we constantly:
· Evaluate our performance and best practice
· Challenge and support
· Make necessary changes to improve effectiveness
Key Governor Roles
Safeguarding Governor (Mrs H Heydon)
On behalf of the governing body the Safeguarding Governor works closely with the school’s dedicated safeguarding lead (DSL) to ensure an effective process is in place for the early identification of any welfare concerns about a child, additional needs they might have, indicators of possible abuse, neglect or other safeguarding concerns. Coupled with close monitoring of HET audits and action plans and informing the LGC on a termly basis via the LGC Meetings.
Inclusion Governor (Including SEND) (Mrs H Heydon)
The Inclusion Governor gains specific oversight of the school’s arrangements for all children identified as vulnerable. Key to the role is building a good working relationship with the Inclusion Lead (SENCo) to understand how funding is being used & in particular what impact this is having on the pupils who receive it, in order that their achievements are at least in line with their peers.
The Inclusion Governor monitors action plans and informs the LGC on a termly basis via the LGC Meetings.
Health & Safety Governor (Miss L Hocking)
The Health & Safety governor, on behalf of the local governing committee, works closely with the Headteacher and Site Manager, along with HET Head of Estates to ensure compliance with the Health & Safety policy. The governor will attend HET H&S audits, monitor action plans and inform the LGC on a termly basis.
Pupil Premium & Sports Premium Governor (Mrs M Lewis)
The Pupil Premium & Sports Premium Governor liaises with the relevant members of staff and Senior Leadership Team to review the strategy, the allocation of funding, the impact of funding and ensures compliance in terms of reporting. The governor informs the LGC on a termly basis.
SDP Key Focus Learning Walk
The LGC attends a “Learning Walk” with Leaders on a termly basis. These visits provide opportunities for governors to see the delivery of the curriculum in action and to triangulate the information they receive from leaders in meetings and are focused on the School Development Plan.
The following committees are formed on an as and when required basis and in accordance with the Governing Committee’s Terms of Reference and the relevant policies;
Executive, Pupil Discipline, Staff Dismissal, Staff Dismissal Appeals
For an overview of the current structure of the LGC together with business interest declarations and meeting attendance logs, please see the pages to the right.
If you have any questions or wish to talk to a member of the governing body then please liaise through our Clerk to the Governors, via the school office (01202 692700) or by email
Minutes from each meeting once agreed and signed off (usually the term following the meeting) are available via email upon request from the Clerk to the Governors: